Our research team seeks to help companies improve their workplace culture by implementing evidence-based practices and trainings.

For the last few years, our team has been conducting state-of-the-art research on cultural diversity and inclusion as it relates to workplace culture. Using information collected from local STEM organizations and interviews with professional engineers, we have developed a Workplace Culture Workshop that aims to equip workers with the skills to build an inclusive and humanizing work culture through transforming the ways we communicate and collaborate at work. This program is informed by the results of recent and rigorous psychology research and is crafted specifically for implementation in STEM organizations.

Currently, we are in a unique stage of this project where we can invite a few selected companies to participate in this workshop for free. Participating companies would benefit from the novel information and evidence-based practices provided in the workshop. Additionally, their participation would help us develop the program further for larger impacts and would contribute to the overall science and improvement of workplace culture.

Interested STEM organizations can reach out to the project’s lead researcher, Dr. Franki Kung, by email at fkung@purdue.edu or by phone at (765) 494-8027 for more information or to schedule a meeting.

For more information about our research, you can find a relevant article we published in 2021 here, or you can check out our Research and Publications pages!